Magnetite Improving Solar Cells

Magnetic nanoparticles are revolutionizing the clean energy field

Magnetic Nanoparticles in Solar Cells

Solar cells are everywhere, from roofs of houses to the tops of light poles. Solar energy is a cornerstone of the push for clean, renewable energy, and magnetite may play a vital role in unlocking the full potential of the Sun.

Researchers recently announced that a new solar cell design featuring magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) showed a 13% higher output than non-MNP cells. In these new cells, scientists created thin films of MNP aligned via magnetostatic fields.

This MPN film created a smoother surface with greater transparency and a higher electrical conductivity than traditional solar cells. In the very near future, magnetite-infused solar panels could be coming to a rooftop near you.

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a piece of raw magnetite